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Thank you for visiting my creative portfolio. I'm excited to share my content with you. I hope you enjoy viewing it as much I enjoy creating it. 

Specializing In Journalism & Media Communication

Image by Marcos Paulo Prado


"You don't take a photograph, you make it." 

Ansel Adams

Image by Denise Jans


"I wouldn't know a good script if it bit me in the face." 

Tim Burton

Image by Aaron Burden


"Don't focus on having a great blog. Focus on producing a blog that's great for your readers."

Brian Clark

Philosophy Statement 

Media communication shapes our understanding of the world and influences our lives, attitudes, and behaviors. My commitment and dedication to this field have enabled me to explore the media industry through various media sectors, enhancing my interest and expanding my knowledge. Reflecting on my developed skillsets, I cannot help but consider the values I will actively foster and implement in my career: practicing ethical and responsible communication, collaboration and teamwork, and continuous learning and adaptability.

I am to live by an endless goal of encompassing ethical and responsible communication in all aspects of my work. This includes being honest, transparent, and accurate in my communication, respecting the diversity of voices and perspectives, and upholding the principles of fairness, accuracy, and objectivity in interviewing, advertising, and photojournalism. According to the Society of Professional Journalists, people in all media should seek and report the truth, minimize harm, act independently, and be accountable and transparent. I had the opportunity and challenge of interviewing a Texas government employee whose political affiliations and beliefs opposed mine. Practicing impartiality and fair reporting for an article in my news writing course at Colorado State University strengthened my ability to think critically and be non-discriminatory.

 I value inclusivity and various perspectives and desire to work collaboratively with team members, stakeholders, and clients to foster creativity. According to DCA, people love to see authenticity from their content, and video not only helps to tell a story but can also go a long way to humanize a brand and offer value to the viewer. In my visual communication course at CSU, I was required to create a video element for an assignment. This meant collaborating with a client to transform their vision for an advertisement into a visually captivating short video for social media.

I thrive on continuous learning and adaptability in the ever-evolving field of media communication. I am committed to staying updated on the latest trends, technologies, and best practices in media communication. I aim to constantly improve my skills and knowledge through resources such as LinkedIn Learning, where I have been awarded several certifications for completing various training videos. I am open to helpful and constructive criticism and willing to develop new, improved strategies based on changing environments, circumstances, and audience needs. According to Yale University, "When we accept that nothing stays the same forever, it gives us room to look for new opportunities to grow personally and professionally" (Yale). If you are interested in learning more about my thoughts on continuous learning and adaptability, check out my Career Comeback: Adapt and learn podcast where I elaborate on this topic.  

In summary, I am committed to upholding the reputation and integrity of the media communication profession through my creative work as a writer, photographer, content developer, and videographer. Media communication is based on ethical and responsible communication, collaboration and inclusivity, continuous learning, and adaptability. By adhering to these principles, I aim to create meaningful, impactful content that resonates with the audience, fosters positive outcomes, and upholds the highest standards of media communication.


Learn and grow: What is adaptability in the workplace? It's Your Yale. (n.d.). Retrieved April 13, 2023, from

Society of Professional Journalists. (2014). SPJ Code of Ethics. Retrieved from

Why video is the most engaging type of social media content. DCA Public Relations. (2022, December 6). Retrieved April 13, 2023, from 

Podcast: Career Comeback

Career Comeback: Adapt & Learn
00:00 / 01:04

Music by: Pixababy 

Song Name: calm-background-for-video-121519.mp3

This philosophy statement and podcast were created for my Senior Capstone at Colorado State University. The skillsets required for this assignment are critical thinking and writing skills, research, organization, Word proficiency, voice clarity, Adobe proficiency, and sound quality.


Thorndale, Texas


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